Product Visibility Settings for Market Hub Managers

Change Product Visibility as Admin/MHM

  • In WP Admin click on “Products” in the sidebar, then find the product you want to edit and click on it
  • Scroll down to the “Product data” section, the “General” tab should be selected but if it isn’t then click on it
  • You will see a section with labels like “Visible for Customer” and a checkbox next to each of them
  • Click on the checkbox(es) that you want the product to be visible for, then click “Update” in the top right corner of the page

Change Product Visibility as Vendor

  • Go to the “Vendor Dashboard” and then click on the “Products” tab in the sidebar
  • Click on the product you want to edit
  • Scroll down to the “Visibility (By User Roles)” section at the bottom of the page
  • Click the checkbox(es) for the roles you want the product to be visible for, then click the “Save Product” button

How It Works

  • If a customer just has the “customer” role and no others, they will be able to see all products that have “Customer” selected as visible (which is the default) or have a Customer-specific product price
  • If a customer has a “special” role assigned, they will only be able to see products that have their role marked as visible or have a specific product price for their role
  • If a product has multiple visibility / role-specific prices set, it will be available to any customers with one of those matching roles

How It Works (Wholesale)

  • A Wholesale user - assigned the Wholesale Customer Role - has two filters on the shop, “Wholesale” (default) and “Retail”
  • When the “Wholesale” filter is selected, it behaves the same as other role-specific visibility. The user will only see products that are marked as visible to Wholesale or have Wholesale-specific prices set
  • When the “Retail” filter is selected, it shows any products that are not marked as visible to Wholesale and do not have Wholesale-specific prices set

Example #1

A product is marked as visible to Customers and Wholesale, and has a price set specifically for the EBT role. 

Any regular customers, customers with Wholesale (and the “Wholesale” filter on), and customers with EBT will be able to see the product in the shop.

The product would not be visible to “Discount Wholesale” users, or Wholesale users with the “Retail” filter on, unless a pricing rule is set for the Wholesale customer.

Example #2

A product is marked as visible to EBT customers only. It also has specific price rules set for the EBT users.

The product would be visible to customers that have the EBT role assigned (with the special price rules in place), and Wholesale users with the “Retail” filter on (at the product’s default price).

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