Weekly Reports
Downloading Your Weekly Reports
Note: If you are having issues with your reports appearing in a new window as a downloaded item you may need to turn off your "Pop-Up" Blocker in your browser. Firefox and iOS are most common for this issue. Clicking "Preferences" then "Allow popups from farmdrop.us" allow you to view/download the files
Login to your Vendor Account and go to your Vendor Dashboard.
Go to Download Reports
Choose the type of report. Customer Order Reports are for packing customer-specific bags and Aggregate Order Reports are used for picking and packing in bulk per market hub, and can serve to stage the customer-specific packing which some market hubs require. The aggregate reports need to be printed per market hub, and delivered with the products to the market hubs each week. The Sales Report provides an overview of your sales, for the given date range (see below). The Settlement Report gives you an exact report of what was transferred to Stripe and to your bank account.
The following steps show you how to access any given report:
If you need the report for just one Market Hub on a specific day, different from other markets you might sell on, you need to select what market hub in the drop down menu. If you sell on multiple markets, each of those markets will appear in the list.
The All Markets option is relevant to vendors who sell on more than one market in one day. It allows you to see at a glance what you've sold across all of your markets, and harvest for both, but pack for each one separately. If that option is selected, aggregate data for all markets you sell on will appear at the beginning of the PDF version of all reports, followed by a page per data specific to each market hub.
The CSV version of the All Markets reports only contains aggregate data for the Customer Order Report and Aggregate Order Report, it does not breakdown per market hub; the Sales Report contains data from all markets, and the individual markets are not separated out as they are in the PDF versions and the spreadsheet can be filtered by individual markets if desired.
Choose the date range you need to include, usually this needs to be the ordering period you are ending but can be any range you need the information for.
If you only sell on one market, the Aggregate Report is what you might use as a Pick List to harvest or collect your items, you might want to have it in the field with you, and use it to pack the market hub specific product. The Customer Order Report can be used for when you are packing items for retail-ready customer order fulfillment at the hub.
Click Download PDF for a PDF version of the report or Download CSV to view the report as a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet can be useful in that the data can be sorted, filtered, and analyzed in a variety of ways.
The following is an example of a market hub specific Aggregate Report:
The Customer Order Report can help you with any pre-bagging you might want to do, and you can even cut the different customer orders out and use the pieces of paper to staple on to your bags.