Filling your Market Hubs orders
The following breaks down the logistics of order fulfillment for your hub:
Drop Off / Packing Orders At The Hub:
>> Producers use the Aggregate Report > All Markets to collect, pick or harvest, and then to pack their products by market hub they use the Aggregate Report > Market Hub. Then if they are supposed to pack orders by customer they use the Customer Order reports > Market Hub so they bring things labeled per customer (we are working on a Labels report coming soon!).
>> When vendors arrive they either just drop off in bulk, and you place the items in each customer bag, or they set the products out on the Customer Order Reports that you have printed and laid out on tables and going order by order matching their products to each customer order, and placing them accordingly.
TIP: The Customer Order reports print one order per page, sometimes two if big orders, multiple orders by one customer are consolidated into one order, second orders under $40 are freepickup, and just get added to the first order.
Pickup at The Hub:
>> Customer can either find their products and fill their own bags, or you can have the orders partially bagged, and then frozen items are left in coolers under the bags, with customer names on them for easy and clear self-serve.
Satellite Pickup Locations:
>> If you are packing for other pickup locations, you want to assign pickup location coordinators that are either producers coming from those areas, and going back there, and therefore can come on the later side, help finalize the packing of the bags, and take them back to the their pickup location on their farms, or drop off at 3rd party venues.
TIP: Additional fees can be added per pickup location in the backend (article) when you are setting these up, and that fee will go to the market hub manager, who will then need to manually pay the driver a fixed fee, or a per order fee out of that total amount being charged, it does not need to be the whole fee. So if you are charging the customer $3 you can pay the driver $2 oer order, or again choose to pay them a fixed fee based on miles instead of based on orders, whatever works best.
>> See ARTICLE on adding pickup locations.